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Windows 7 Boot Updater: Translation

Starting with version v0 Alpha 11 (v0.0.0.11), the Windows 7 Boot Updater supports being displayed in different languages. As new phrases are needed or if certain languages are incomplete it will resort to English (just for that phrase). While the GUI program is running it supports being changed over to one of the other supported languages. By default it tries to match the displayed language to the system language, if supported.

The following languages are currently available:

In the next version the following languages will also be available:

If you wish to help, please download the file at the bottom for the phrases in all languages translated so far. Then create a new file for your language following these rules:

  • The file is a Unicode text file. The file name should be language code from the 'short string' column in
  • If you do not translate a phrase or the phrase is the same as the English, leave a blank line.
  • The first line must be blank.
  • The second line should be the translator (you) however you wish to be identified. You can use a variant of bbcode as describe in the last bullet point.
  • The lines 57-60 ('Y', 'y', 'N', and 'n' for en-US) should be a single character representation for 'Yes' and 'No' in your language, in both capital and lowercase forms
  • \n is a newline char in the phrase
  • The & symbol is used to designate shortcut keys. You should provide shortcut keys for these entries as well for whatever character makes sense. You should not have overlapping shortcut keys.
  • Curly braces mark where strings (e.g. {0}) or hex values (e.g. {0:X}) will be inserted. Your phrases must contain these if the English phrase contains it. Some phrases have more than one (e.g. {0} and {1}). You do not need to use them in the order they are in the English phrase, you should use them in the order that makes sense when translating.
  • Some lines allow a bbcode variant to be used: 2 (translator), 117-124 (the About box phrases), 225-234 (the Installer page texts). The syntax is as follows:
    • [url] a link to url with text of url, works with emails if url is like JUNKuseJUNKr@eREMOVExamNULLpleSPAM.coSPAMmXXX
    • [url text] a link to url with text of text, works with emails as above
    • [b]text[/b] bold text
    • [u]text[/u] underline text
    • [i]text[/i] italics text
    • [s]text[/s] strikeout text

You can test how your translation will look. The program looks for translations in the same directory when it starts up and loads them. The program will use translation files instead of embedded translations if available.

Thanks for helping!

Windows 7 Boot Updater Translations (37.63 KB, updated 2012-11-08)